Monday, August 6, 2018

Phinding Philip

And next up is the other ship I was hoping to catch.
 The Philip R. Clarke was about one hour behind the Callaway and I think she was coming down from Calcite.
 She was also headed to Detroit but she was heading to the stone dock that is by the Ambassador Bridge.
 She is also a near sister to the Arthur M. Anderson.  So it's almost like seeing the Anderson.
 And like her sisters, she cuts a nice profile.
 And it's always nice to see the Stars and Stripes on the Lakes.
One more shot before moving off.

I was almost thinking that I would catch the Roger Blough but I wasn't quite paying attention to where she was, so I when I realized I wouldn't catch her until much later, I headed home.  It was still nice catching these two ships.

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