Monday, August 27, 2018

Thunder Over Michigan - Air Show - 2018 - Part III

Gaul was divided into three parts and so was this post.  The next part is mostly the Thunderbirds and some post show stuff.
 It was still cloudy when the Tunderbirds performed, so they did their low ceiling demonstration.  That is still pretty cool though.
 There was a bit of moisture but I couldn't get the right angles to get the trails off the planes, but I like this picture.
 The famed diamond formation.
 The passing diamond.
 The opposing solos doing the mirror formation.  I was almost in the right spot to get a perfect mirror.
 One of the solo planes in passing.
 The two solo planes passing each other.
 Echelon formation.
 I think this is where they were flying slow over the sky.
 Some more vapor trails.
 The low bomb burst.
 The other mirror formation.
 Preparing the land.
 A P-59 Airacobra.  Sadly, I didn't see this guy fly either.
the Yankee Lady coming in for a landing.

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