Monday, August 27, 2018

Thunder Over Michigan - Air Show - 2018 - Part II

So we continue our pictures from the Air Show on Saturday.
 The Yankee Lady coming in for a landing.  They were offering flights on her through the day.
 As she gets closer.
 The C-47 coming in for a landing.
 I couldn't get a good shot of his Stuart tank, but I think I got a pretty good shot of the re-enactor himself.
 One of the ground troops.
 Another shot of the tanker.
 This B-17 is called "Texas Raiders" and is part of the Commemorative Air Force.
 I kind of like the fact that it is green.  I think that is supposed to depict an earlier war B-17.
 Towards the end of the war, they stopped painting them because the weight of the paint equaled at least one more bomb.
 Still it was pretty cool.
 The Yankee Lady simulating getting hit.
 Another angle of the Texas one.
 And the Yankee Lady.
 For this shot, I slowed down the shutter speed to get some motion blur in the props.
 I think I like this shot a little better.
 The Yankee Lady.
 Another one of the ground re-enactors.
 the Texas B-17.
 Yankee Lady.

 The C-47 coming in for a landing.
 This biplane was flown by Sean Tucker.  He's been a stunt flyer for a while.
 They announced that this would be one of his last shows as a solo pilot.  He would be part of team after this.
 He was pretty neat to watch.
 Doing a roll.
 Getting ready for the next maneuver.
 Going into a dive.
 Climbing again.

 And he flies under the ribbon.
 As he is cutting the ribbon.  I should have raised the camera little bit to get the full plane in the shot.
And after he cut the ribbon.

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