Monday, August 27, 2018

Thunder Over Michigan Air Show - Part I

So I went to the Air Show on Saturday.  It started out pretty rainy but ended up being pretty nice but a little cool.  It remained cloudy most of the day, so I didn't get to see all of the acts.  I took several pictures, so I'm going to break this up into groups.
 They had their usual group of re-enactors.  I don't know what kind of car this is.
 This is definitely a Jeep.
 The tail of one of the KC-135s from Selfridge.
 The Yankee Air Force repainted their C-47 to represent one from the Burma theater of operations.
 A P-51 that didn't go up.  I think it was supposed to but the cloud cover kept many of the planes on the ground.
 This Kalitta 747 started to taxi in order to take off.
 An Avenger torpedo bomber getting ready to take off.
 A sight that you are going to see too much any more.  The 747 and Helldiver.
 The 747 taking off to the sky.
 But wait, they announced that we would be getting a treat.  The 747 started to turn back towards the crowd.
 And prepared to do a fly by.
 I'll have to admit, this was pretty impressive.
 I'm not sure if it was empty.
 And it turns off to head towards China by way of O'Hare and Anchorage.
 A Corsair and Helldiver.  This was the Warbird portion of the show.
 A closer shot of that.
 An Avenger.  This is the plane that George Bush Sr. flew during World War II.
 A Helldiver.
 Another angle of the Corsair.
 Another angle of the Avenger.  These saw fairly extensive use in World War II.  They acted as torpedo bombers, ship attack aircraft and scouts.  Some of these were used to sink the Japanese battleship Yamoto.  I think these were used pretty extensively in the Atlantic against U-boats.
 A Helldiver.  This was a late war dive bomber.  I don't think it saw a ton of action though.
 the Corsair coming in for a turn.
 the Avenger landing.
 Then we got to see the Corsair do some stunt flying.  I think they kept producing these after the war and used some in air racing.
 It was pretty cool to see in action.
One more shot of the Corsair.

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