Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Air Force Museum World War I Dawn Patrol - Part I

Every two years they have what they call the Dawn Patrol at the Air Force Museum.  I found out about it a few years ago and have been going since.  I think they have been holding it since the mid-1990s.  It's a pretty neat little event.
 This is a Vickers Machine Gun and saw pretty extensive service in World War I.  I think it was used by the US and the British.
 A man depicting a British soldier.
 This person was depicting a bicycle scout.  He even had the combat bicycle.
 A Scottish guy.
 I think this person was depicting a US Marine.  He also has a Vickers machine gun.
 And I think guy was depicting a US Army soldier.
 And this would be the typical gear that a US Soldier would carry.
 I think this is an S.E. 5 which was built by the Royal Aircraft Factory of Britain.  It first flew in November of 1916 and introduced to service in 1917.  It was described as one of the more nimble fighters of the war.  There were 5,205 built.
 This one is a replica of a Nieuport 11.  It was a French built fighter and it outclassed the German aircraft of the time.  I think this one is depicting a plane flown by an American.
 The Fokker Triplane.  Made famous by the Red Baron.
 This is a replica of a Nieuport 23 which was a later war entry.  It was equipped with a gun sychronizer which allowed fuselage mounted guns.  It was a pretty decent fighter.
 I'm not sure what this one was.
A Model T.
Another Nieuport.

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