Thursday, September 27, 2018

Air Force Museum World War I Dawn Patrol - Part II

The static displays were nice but I really went down to Dayton to see the flying displays.  Just so I don't have too many pictures in one post, I decided to split this up a bit. 
 As we got there, they were doing a demonstration of remote control airplanes.  It was pretty neat because they looked almost real.
 Last time I saw this, I was in a cornfield in Indiana.
 I think this one is supposed to be a Sopwith Schneider.  Originally designed to be a sports plane, the war interceded and they were pressed into service as fighters.  It first flew in 1913 and was introduced in 1914.  They were retired in 1915 as they were outmatched by that time.
 The Nieuport 23.
Another picture of the Sopwith Schneider.
 The pilot.
 A Nieuport 17.  This was an earlier version of the 23 above.  It was introduced in March 1916.
 The Nieuport 23 taking off.
 I think this is supposed to be Junkers monoplane.  It was designed as a ground attack plane and first flew in 1917. 
 The Nieuport 17 taking off.
 A mock dogfight.
 The Nieuport again.
 This is a Eurocopter owned by the Miami Valley Hospital.  I couldn't pass up a picture.
 Another shot of the Junkers.
 They had a few ground guys.  I think this guy is supposed to be a British soldier.
 Another dogfight.
 The Nieuport 17 going down.

 The pilot getting helped by US ground forces.
 The Junkers again.
The pilot being put into the ambulance.

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