Monday, November 26, 2018

A Stop at the Great Lakes Museum in Toledo

On Friday, I decided to head down to Ohio in order to catch some covered bridges that were in the Dayton area.  Before heading out,  I decided to check Marine Traffic and I saw that the Saginaw would be passing through Toledo.  So I decided to stop at the Great Lakes Museum.
 I ended up getting a new membership because I would like to tour the ship and tugboat they have.  While I was there, I thought I would wander through the museum.  There's not alot to see in the museum itself but they have some pretty nice models.  This is a model of the Ann Arbor No. 3.  She was built in 1898 in Cleveland at the Globe Iron Works.  She served as a car ferry for the Ann Arbor Railroad until 1965 when she served as a cross straits ferry under the name Manistee.  In 1974 she was sold to be a dock face in Peoria, Illinois.
 This is a model of the Huron Lightship.  One of these years, I'll have to tour the real one.
 A nice scale model of the James R. Barker.
I can't quite make out what ship this is.

I will go back to the museum one of these days.


  1. Ann Arbor No 3 Still exists as a dockface in New Orleans.

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