Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to my Readers

Well another Thanksgiving holiday is upon us and this year I have quite a bit to be thankful for.  As you know, it was last Thanksgiving weekend where I got really sick and ended up in the hospital.  It turns out that I had an infection that spread to my heart.  After surgery to replace my valve, I'm back to almost full health.  So this year, I 'm thankful that I'm not six feet under.  As per my tradition, I have some pictures for the holiday.
 The main feature of the holiday is the turkey dinner.  So how about an airline from Turkey?
 Maybe a plane called the turkey?  One of the nicknames for the F-14 Tomcat is the turkey.  I think that tradition goes back for many Grumman aircraft.
 Will a ship from Turkey from work?  This is the Duzgit Endeavor and she occasionally visits the Great Lakes.
 Or perhaps even a real turkey?

At any rate, we here at Michigan Explorers would like to wish all of our readers a happy Thanksgiving.

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