Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A Fish Tug Entering the St Clair River

On Sunday, I decided to head up to Port Huron.  I was hoping to catch a  couple of ships.  While I was waiting for my first ship, I caught this boat.
 It is the fish tug, L&R.   I think it is owned by Purvis Fisheries in Sarnia.  Or at least, I normally see it docked there.
 The fish tug itself is almost exclusive to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.
 This style of fishing vessel was mostly used in the early 20th Century.  I think these are used in gill net fishing, but I'm not sure.
 anyway, I don't usually see this boat out and about, so it was a pretty cool catch for me.
One more shot.

1 comment:

  1. i'd love o know more about Purvis . . . they have a bunch of boats. t
