Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Thunder Bay Passes Port Huron

The next ship was the ship that I hoped to catch.  I wanted to do a little boatwatching on Sunday but it wasn't particularly busy.  I also got a late start, so I didn't have much of a choice.
 The ship in question was the Thunder Bay and if I remember correctly, she was heading up to Superior, Wisconsin.
 If my memory serves me correctly, she is is probably picking up iron to deliver to Nanticoke.  As I type this, she is still in Superior, Wisconsin.
 When she finishes loading, it is roughly a three day journey back for her to Nanticoke.
 After she is finished with that journey, she will likely go somewhere for layup.
 It is getting close to that time of year of when ships layup.
 A shot of her under the Blue Water Bridge.
 One more shot.
And then she heads up to the blue waters of Lake Huron.

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