Monday, January 28, 2019

The Candace Elise On the Grand River

As I said in my last post, this tugboat was working her way down the river as I arrived.  I couldn't get that picture but I really wanted to.
 As I was taking pictures of the Sykes, I could get some pictures of the tugboat.  She was clearing the ice.  I think private tugs are used when they can't get Coast Guard assistance.
 She was coming down from Muskegon and I would imagine that Grand Haven doesn't get enough traffic to warrant Coast Guard assistance.
 As I went further down the river, I got a chance to catch the tug for the shots I was I looking for.
 As you can see, the snow was coming down.
 I kind of liked this shot.
 She continues on her way to clear out the dock.
And one more shot as she heads off.

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