Monday, January 28, 2019

The Wilfred Sykes Enters Grand Haven

As I said in the last post, I saw that the Wilfred Sykes was on her way to Grand Haven.
 I wasn't sure about the weather but it looked like it wasn't going to be too bad.  As you can see, there was a little ice on the water.  Just before making it to the pier, I saw a tugboat working on breaking the ice.  I wish I could have gotten a picture of that because it looked pretty neat.
 The Sykes was coming up from Indiana Harbor.  I think that was after she passed Detroit.  She had a load of something for Indiana Harbor.
 She was coming from Indiana Harbor with a load of iron fines.  I think iron fines are used to make cement.
 It is approximately seven hours from Indiana Harbor to Grand Haven.
 She pours on a little power as she enters the channel.
 An almost head on shot as she is about to pass the lighthouse.
 And the head on shot.  If you look closely at the front, you can see a pair of people.  I think they are making sure everything is good.
 A slight turn inward to continue on the channel.
 I kind of liked the shot of the bird in front of her.
 A little smoke means that a little power is being applied.
 her engine about at the right spot, she stops pouring out the smoke.
 She passes the channel marker.
 After she passed the channel marker.  an almost clean shot.  As you can see, she's accumulated some ice along the way.
 Another shot with the lighthouse.  I kind of liked the reflections in the water.
 I really liked the reflections in this shot.
 I think one of my friends is in the foc'sle.
 And she passes by.
 I decided to head a little further down the river.  You can get some different angles, include the almost beam shot.
 As you can see, it started to snow a little harder.  Fortunately, it wasn't too bad leaving Grand Haven.
 She makes the turn to head towards the dock.
 The almost front shot.
 As you can see, there was a little more ice here.
 This is another spot where I can get a good bow shot.
 She swings around to go forward.
 Again, some pretty nice reflections.
 There was a little bit of blue but I think that was just a tease.
 She makes another turn.
 Again, another beam shot.
And she continues on to the dock.  It would take her about seven hours to unload.  After unloading, she was on her way to Sturgeon Bay, WI where she would layup for the winter.  Someone made the comment that this was latest in January she has gone.  Well, it seems like she had a pretty unusual year after making two trips to Detroit.  It seems like the crew earned the layup this year.

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