Saturday, March 16, 2019

A Visit at Highland Cemetery

After taking pictures of the train, I looked at the light and decided the light might be right to take pictures of the Civil War statue in the cemetery.
 This statue was built after the war and is dedicated to the soldiers of the Union Army.
 Some of the donations were from Mary Ann Starkweather who also had the oldest building on Eastern Michigan's campus named after her.
 It was dedicated on Memorial Day of 1895.
 It's a pretty cool looking statue and is fairly detailed.
 I was looking for different angles.
 This was probably my favorite angle of the bunch.  Unfortunately, I was shooting into the sun almost.
I didn't realize that the cemetery was also kind of a who's who of Eastern Michigan people.  I saw a couple gravestones dedicated to other people that Eastern Michigan buildings named after them.  I might have to spend more time there sometime.

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