Sunday, March 17, 2019

Messing Around With the Photo Globe

I got one of those photo globes for Christmas.  I've seen them being used in quite a few pictures.  I played around with one using my models, so I couldn't wait to use it more real situations.
 It was kind of nice and sunny this morning, so I decided to wander around Ypsilanti for a bit to get some pictures.  I was just going to do the water tower and then this place caught my eye.
 At one time, it was a grain elevator and based and where I see things, it was probably serviced by a train.  Then it was the home for Frog Island Brewery.  It also used to have brewing supplies for home brewers.  Now it stands abandoned and by the looks of it, condemned.
 That being said, it made for a good subject to use my globe with.  The really cool part is that my car made a good reflective surface, so I got a pretty cool image out of it.
 I was trying different angles to see how that worked for me.
 And I'll have to say it was pretty cool because I think it gave a slightly wide angle effect.
 Another angle of the building.
 And one more through the globe.
 Then I went to get some pictures of Pierce Hall.  I think I need to play around with this a little more.  In particular, how it affects the angles. I also have one that looks like a prism.  That might be fun too.
 An unglobed view of the tower anyway.
 I couldn't resist a shot of Pease Auditorium.
 And just a shot of the Auditorium itself.
 This is where I realized I needed to work on the ball a little bit.  Although I think if I had positioned it differently, I might have gotten more the tower in.
 Just a shot of the tower.
 McKenny Hall.
what I think is a nice shot of what I call Old Campus.

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