Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Stop at Fish Point

After catching the ships, I decided to head up to Fish Point.  I was hoping to catch some snow geese but I think I might have missed those.
 I did manage to catch a bunch of egrets.
 I never noticed the green by their eyes before.  That is kind of neat.
 "He's over that way".
 A heron amongst the egrets.  I kind of wish I could have gotten a separate shot of him but nothing was lined up well enough.
 Another shot of the heron.
 This guy was flying along the ditch.
 Another egret.
 I kind of liked catching this guy in the water.
 But I might have been too close, but I managed to get the timing right.
 And he flew to a different spot.
 And a landing.
 I kind of like the contrast with the background.
 Same here.

 I think this was a beaver but my lens was starting to fog up from earlier.
 An egret flying over.
And one more before leaving.

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