Monday, April 22, 2019

Gott Boat?

I decided to go boatwatching again yesterday.  This time I decided to head to Belle Isle.  I thought that I was only going to catch one boat because I was a little on the tired side.
 The boat in question was the Edwin H. Gott.
 I think she had a load of taconite for Nanticote, Ontario.  That is an unusual stop for American boats.
 Anyway it was nice to see a thousand footer.
 Some people don't like these boats, they think they look too utilitarian.
 I think it is pretty cool that something that big exists on the Great Lakes.  If you ask people in other parts of the country, they don't realize that boats this big exist.
 A shot of her pilot house.
And she continues down the Detroit River.
 She almost passes the Eye of Sauron.
 What I thought might be my last shot of her.
 And then I saw the subject of one of my next posts coming upbound.
 She was the Indiana Harbor and she had just delivered to Zug Island.
One more shot.  If you look to the left, you can see a faint airplane.  so this was a trifecta shot.  From this point, I think it was another 13 hours to Nanticoke.

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