Friday, May 3, 2019

A Misty 787 Night

I was almost going to pass on 787 night last night because it looked like it was going to rain but then I remembered that I really like weather shots when I can get them.  It lightened up when I arrived at the airport.

 I arrived at the right time to catch the Air France 787.  It was a little overcast so I didn't see her as soon as I normally do.
 She of course was arriving from Paris.  I liked the fact that I got a beacon shot.
 The almost beam shot.
 Another beacon shot.
 A Delta Airlines 757 arriving from Orlando.
 There's been alot of standing water in the area lately.   It was amazed to see ducks here.
 An A330 arriving from Amsterdam.
 Another angle of that plane.
 The shot I really like.
 It wasn't long before the other 787 arrived.
 This one was arriving from Amman via Montreal.  I'm not sure why they break up this flight but they do.
 I love this livery.
 One more beacon shot.
 I went over to the other side of the airport in the hopes of catching this flight.  I wasn't sure if I had enough time to do it.
 This is the Fed Ex 757 flight arriving from Indianapolis.
 I like the trails cut through the sky in moist weather.
 Another angle of her.
And the final angle before heading home.

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