Saturday, May 4, 2019

Some of the Animals at Fish Point

My mom had to do a sleep study last night and that meant getting early this morning to go pick her up.  I figured that since I was already up early, we could head up to fish point because it seems like it is a good idea to get their early if you want to catch the animals.
 We went towards the back of the park and I saw these turtles sunning on a log.  I was able to get these guys before they dove in the water.
 I'm not sure what kind of bird this is.
 The painted turtle is the Michigan state reptile.  It makes sense since they are pretty much everywhere.  When I was growing up, I used to have one as a pet.  They are pretty neat turtles.
 A Blandings Turtle.  I think these are endangered.  I do know that they are fairly rare.
 An egret in flight.  I saw lots of these today but I couldn't get many pictures of them.
 A cattail seeding.
 An egret walking along the shore.  I loved the way the water was so smooth.  I got an almost perfect reflection.
 Another egret.
 I think this the same egret.
 As I was wandering around the area, I looked up in the sky.  These birds were moving like eagles but I wasn't sure.  As I got closer, I noticed the whites of their tables.
 There is always something graceful about eagles in flight.
 This is a younger eagle.  I turns out that the other eagles were training him.
 First this eagle pair would dive at each other and then the young one would mimic it.  I think they were training him at a safe altitude.
 It's not often when you see eagles in formation.
 Another eagle formation.
 The younger eagle joining the fray.
 The turtles were out on the log.  This time I was a little quieter and I had my camera ready, so I was able to catch more of them.
 Another angle.
 I think the big turtle is a Blandings turtle again.
 And they cleared off.
 And then I caught this picture of cormorant in a tree.
 It didn't take long for him to notice me though.
I love these birds.  They represent my "happy place" bird.  I usually see them quite a bit on the St Clair and Detroit Rivers.

It was getting late in the morning and I didn't think we would see much else, so we left.  It was pretty neat though.  I was hoping that we would see some pelicans though.

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