Saturday, May 4, 2019

The James R. Barker Out on the Horizon

I saw that there were a couple of ships that would be passing Port Huron, so I decided to take M-25 to Port Huron.  It's a pretty nice drive but a bit on the long side.  As I looked out on the horizon, I saw a ship.
At first I thought it was the Paul R. Tregurtha because I remembered seeing her on AIS before I left.  I couldn't look it up because internet was spotty.  As I got my camera out, I could make out James R. Barker on the bow, so I had my answer.  Looking her up later, I see that she is heading back to Silver Bay from St Clair.  Given that's where she was heading last time I saw her, I would say that she is going there to pick up coal.

This picture was taken from the scenic turnout near Forester.  There are at least three of these on M-25.  Occasionally, you can get a good view of the ships.


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