Friday, June 21, 2019

And One More Classic

The next ship was following pretty closely to the last ship.  I almost didn't have time to finish taking pictures of the last ship before this one was in position.
 It was starting to cool down, so I was able to get shots from further out.  That was kind of cool because it allowed me to get this angle.  I like the three quarters angle.
 Another shot of her as she comes off Lake Huron.  I think she was coming down from Marquette.
 I think she was heading down to Cleveland.  I wish this wasn't Sunday because I would have considered heading down there to see her in the Cuyahoga.
 She makes her turn for the St Clair River Channel.
 the Blue Water Bridge in the background.
 The almost beam shot.
 And the proper beam shot.
 She continues down the River.
From this point, it would be about 15 hours to Cleveland.

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