Friday, June 21, 2019

And a Thousand Footer

With this ship, I would end up catching 12 ships that day.  It has been a long time since I've caught 12 ships in one day.  It has been an even longer time since I've caught four classic lakers in one day.  This ship was about an hour behind the Jackson, so I figured I might as well catch her.
 It was cooling down nicely, so I was able to get the shot as she was coming off Lake Huron into view. 
 The three quarters shot.
 The first of two headshots.
 Another three quarters shot. I think she was heading down from Duluth with a load of iron.
 If I remember correctly, her destination was listed as Lovely Zug Island or something like that.  Sometimes, the crews mess with their destination listings.
 From this point, it would be about 6 hours until she arrived at Zug Island.
 Another headshot as she makes the turn for the channel.
 A puff of diesel smoke as she turns into the river.
 Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 It's amazing that these beasts are on the Great Lakes.
 A better idea of her length.
And she continues down the river.  Her home port is listed as Wilmington, Delaware.  She will never see that place as she is too big to get through the Welland Canal.

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