Monday, August 5, 2019

A Visit to the Shiawassee National Wildlife Preserve

We had to go up to Saginaw for some reason and while I was heading there, I decided to take a way that would take me by Shiawassee.  It's been closed for most of the summer, so I figured I would use this opportunity to stop there.
 First thing I saw as I entered the park was a belted kingfisher.  Since this is only the second time I've ever seen one, I thought it was pretty cool.  Sadly, I had to do some blow up work to get this picture.
 And he was posing for me.
 As I got a little further into the park, I saw this guy.  I don't think I've ever seen a pelican in Michigan before.
 I couldn't pass up on this picture although on later reflection, it reminds me of Spy Versus Spy.
 A cormorant taking off.
 This guy was a little further in the park.
 And then I saw more pelicans.  I think this one is a male pelican.
 this one was just swimming around.
 An egret.
 A flock of them.
 another egret.
 As I was leaving the park, I saw this water lily.
Another angle of it.

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