Saturday, August 3, 2019

Amongst the Cessnas

 After getting out of work yesterday, I decided that I wanted to do a little spotting at Ann Arbor Airport.  I saw a handful of planes doing touch and goes there.  Granted, I have a few pictures of each of these planes, but I really can't pass up on planes.
 The planes were taking off to the east, so my normal spot wouldn't work for me.  I ended up going to a spot on the side of the airport and I actually like this spot a little better.  It gives me some different angles of the planes.
 The light was just about right for some side shots.
 Can't quite get a front shot, but I can come pretty close.
 I'm sure I have a hundred pictures of this plane.
 I'm not sure about this one.
 I'm pretty sure I have a bunch of this one.
 But Cessnas are such nice looking aircraft.
One more shot before moving on.

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