Friday, August 9, 2019

Thunder Over Michigan 2019 - Part II

I ended the last post with the last part of the ground combat demonstration that I took a picture of.  I figured that would be a good stopping point.  Especially once the air support came in, I stopped taking picture of the ground battle.  The ground battle ended up moving away from me anyway.
 I kind of wish I had gone to the morning demonstration, their air support was P-51s.  For this one, they used B-25s.
 Of course, one of the B-25s was the Yankee Warrior which belongs to the Yankee Air Force. 
she makes another pass.
 Like I said in the last post, I kind of liked the fact that it was a little cloudy.
 She was joined by Georgie's Girl from the Liberty Museum in Port Clinton.
 This is painted to look like an earlier war model of the B-25.
 Another angle of the Yankee Lady.  This time, she had her bomb bay doors open.
 I'll have to say that I liked this one pretty well.
 The Yankee Lady passes by again.
 Georgie's Gal making another pass.

 This time, I tried to slow down the shutter speed to get some propeller blur.
 Georgie's Gal coming in for a landing.
 An E/A-18 Growler taking off.  It was heading back to Whidbey Island.
 It was followed by another one.
 This was a pair of Beechcraft T-6 Texan IIs.  It was based on the Pilatus PC-9 and entered in the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System in the 1990s.  It had its first flight in 1998 and was introduced to the service in 2001.  In 2017, it was being considered as one of the light attack aircraft.  It is currently used as a primary trainer by the Navy and Air Force.
 One of the P-51s that would come into the picture later.
 The other P-51.
 The F-16 Fighting Falcon.
 This plane came out of Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina.
 It's actually pretty cool to see an F-16 in combat regalia rather than the Thunderbird regalia.  Especially since I don't get to see that much here.
 There was quite a bit of moisture in the air and I think it made for some cool pictures.
 I really like this one.
 I'm not normally a fan of stern shots but this one will do.
 She passes by.
 Another tight turn in the sky.
 The photo pass.
 And the heritage flight with the pair of P-51s.
Another angle of that.

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