Friday, August 9, 2019

Thunder Over Michigan 2019 - Part III

So this is the last part of the show and also my last set of photographs.
 Like I said, this year's feature was the Corsairs.  They had 10 Corsairs in the air.
 The Corsair had its first flight in 1940 and was built by the Chance Vought Company in Connecticut (among others).  
 The Corsair was originally developed for the Navy, but had a number of issues that made it difficult to use on aircraft carriers.  One of them was that it was difficult for the pilot to see over the front of the aircraft when landing.  Another was that it would sometimes tip forward if it didn't catch the arrestor wires correctly.
 Because of the issues, the Navy had, they ended up giving them to the Marines, who loved them.
 They also saw service with the Royal Navy.  They were able to make some modifications to make it work on aircraft carriers.
 Over 12,000 of these planes were produced from 1940 to 1953.  They even saw service in the Korean War.
 I think this is a night fighter version.
 Again, I liked the fact that there were clouds.
 This was one from the VF-17 Jolly Rogers.
 They were made famous in the 1970s by the show Baa Baa Black Sheep (which used to be a show I had to watch all the time for some reason).
 I'm not sure what all of these different units are.
 I'm pretty sure this is a version that saw action in Korea.
 The Jolly Roger again.
 They were making a pass with landing gear deployed.
 Anotehr one.
 And another.
 Then I was trying my hand at propeller blur.
 I think this is my favorite.
 Although I kind of like this one.
 A Chinook heading back home.
 One of the Corsairs coming in for a landing.

 Taxiing back to the runway.
And my last shot.

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