Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Catching up with the Nickel Plate

On Sunday, I decided to head down to the Cuyahoga Valley to catch the Nickel Plate 765.  It has been a couple years since I've seen it last.  I thought I had a slight chance to catch it last week but it had to head back to Fort Wayne for some repairs and it made its moves during the day.
 I started in Peninsula but I saw that it wasn't heading that far north.  After staying there a while, I decided to head to the next station south which was Indigo Lake.  At the time, I didn't know it was that though.  There was a little parking lot and a police officer and he explained that the Nickel Plate was there doing its photo run bys and it was still there.  As I got to the spot, the train was waiting there and the passengers were boarding.
 It started to head back north for a little bit, so that meant I had a chance to get some pictures because it had to come back this way.  For some reason, this one was a little overexposed so I tried to see what doing it in black and white would do.  I kind of like it.
 It was being pulled by the diesel units in front.
 And it starts to disappear out of view.
 I decided to cross the tracks to get pictures from the station.  I thought it was a better view and it appeared again about a half hour later.
 I think I actually like this spot better than the one I originally went to.  It is a little more scenic.
 A full head of steam as it passes by.
 It looked kind of cool.
 Couldn't quite get the side shot though.
And the F unit passes by.  Even though this is a diesel, it is a museum piece in its own right.

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