Tuesday, September 24, 2019

College Football Returns to Ypsilanti

So Saturday was the first home game for Eastern Michigan.  They played their first three games on the road and only have four more home games this season.  I'm not sure what I think about this.  On one hand, they need the money they get from traveling to other places but it is nice to see them play in front of their fans.  As always, for my game shots go to Hustle Belt.
 The band takes the field for the first time this season.  They looked pretty good.
 The drum line.
 I didn't get a great picture of the eagle in flight, she made a beeline for her perch.  I do like this picture though.
 One of the band members.
 I'm not a huge fan of the wall but I do like this picture.
 Willie Parker making a cut during one of his runs.
 A shot of the band during halftime.
 Another shot of the band.
 Swoop got a makeover.  I'm not sure I like it.
The game had a wild finish.  Central Connecticut scored first.  Eastern matched.  Central Connecticut struck back.  Eastern matched again.  Eastern would then score two more times to go ahead 28 to 15.  At that point, there was a delay because there was lightning in the area.  After play resumed, Central Connecticut would score twice to go ahead by 1 point.  Eastern had the ball with enough time to score had they not sputtered.  The defense stood tall and forced a punt with 17 seconds left.  If you look at probabilities, Eastern had a 0.1% chance to win the game.  As Central Connecticut launched the punt, it was blocked by Mathew Sexton above, it bounced up and landed in his weighting hands.  At that point, there was noone between him and the endzone and he would bring victory to the Eagles.

Unfortunately, the Eagles are not home again until October 12.

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