Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Western Michigan at Eastern Michigan - In Pictures

Here are some of my pictures from the game last Saturday night.  If you want pictures of the game, go to Hustle Belt.
 the band starts to take the field.  Or at least the drumline does.
 The rest of the band takes the field.
 the Drum Major steps out.
 The color guard.
 The US flag.
 Standing at attention.
 The band's color guard.
 The eagle flies out on the field.
 For some reason, this reminds me of one of those things, "We were able to recover the pictures from his camera and as far as we could tell, this was the last one".
 The team breaking down the wall.
 And the team takes the field.
 My favorite shot of the game.  Shaq Vann stretching the field on a run.
 It was band night and that meant that bands from local high schools participated.
 The combined color guard.
 It was pretty cool.
 A majorette.
 And my other favorite shot of the game.  This was the game winning catch.
 The cheerleaders carrying their flags on the field.
 Eastern Michigan had every reason to celebrate.  They defeated their cross state rivals by a score of 34-27.
And one of the Eastern players singing the fight song.

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