Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pa Barker Passes the Beautiful Island

It was kind of nasty yesterday but I saw that there were a pair of ships passing Belle Isle.  I was almost going to pass but I couldn't.
 I wasn't sure if I got motivated soon enough to catch the James R. Barker but I did and it didn't take long for it to pass.
 As you can see, it was pretty foggy yesterday.  It was also still rainy as I was taking these pictures.
 With the Soo Locks closing on the 15th, I think this was my last chance to catch some shipping.  Well, I'll still have a chance to catch some ships because there are still a couple ships that move in the off season but not many.
 The Barker was on her way to Toledo.  I'm not sure if that was for layup or she was delivering another load there.
 If the former, I hope her crew enjoys their time off but it wont be long as the Soo Locks typically open March 25th.
 the almost beam shot.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And I love the scrubbers on these ships.  Makes them almost look like steamships.
And she passes by.

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