Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Mississagi Passes the Beautiful Island

And this was the ship that dragged me out.
 As I said in the last post, the weather was about to keep me away from chasing ships but this next ship was following pretty close to the Barker.
 Since the rumor is that this is the Mississagi's last season, I had to go down to catch her.  I seriously hope it's not the last time.
 She was on her way to Windsor and I think she had a load of stone.
 It's also possible that she was carrying a load of salt.
 At any rate, it was nice to catch her.  It was also nice that weather cleared long enough for me to get some decent shots.

 The almost beam shot.
 I love the profile of a classic laker.
 And she passes by.
One more shot before moving on.

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