Sunday, March 29, 2020

Socially Distant at Gallup Park

It was a fairly nice day in between the raindrops today.  The sun was out for a little bit, so I decided to head over to Gallup Park.  I haven't been there in a while and I was hoping it wasn't too busy so that I could practice social distance and get some pictures.

As I've said before, our state is currently under lockdown.  There is an exception for going outdoors though and I decided to use that.
 First up is a Canada Goose.  I don't consider any of these as cool birds but it was nice to actually get out photographing.
 A female mallard.
 A mallard drake.
 Another shot of the Canada goose.  I kind of like this shot with the reflection in the water.  It was a little on the windy side, so the water wasn't as smoothe as I wanted.  I was kind of amazed how high the water was at Gallup.  I think it may have covered the road for a period of time because the road was a little rougher than normal.
 Another shot of the Canada goose.
 The drake headed back in the water.  I just wish it were sunnier.
 Still a pretty nice looking bird though.
 He was looking at me.
 Again, I wish the water were calmer.
 As I was heading out of the park, I saw this guy.  I really like this picture.
 And a picture of his mate.
 I think this is a mute swan and is not native to the United States.   I think it was brought here as part of zoos and farms and escaped and is now pretty much wild.
I still prefer the trumpeter swans to these guys.

Well it was nice to get out and take some pictures.  Especially pictures where I didn't have to use maximum zoom and still have to do some cropping to get decent pictures.

I hope you enjoyed.

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