Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Sunny Evening at Gallup

It was a pretty nice day today and it was killing me as I was sitting inside working.  I am still working at home while we sort through the coronavirus mess.  Normally Thursday night would be my trip over to the aluminum aviary.  Commercial aviation seems to be a temporary victim of the coronavirus.  Also, I don't want to wander too far from home.

I decided to head over to Gallup Park again.  I also ended up taking a walk around the smaller pond.  I think my active has gone down a bit since I've been working at home, so I think I need to walk more.
 First up was a red-winged blackbird.  In my mind, these birds are more true to being the spring bird because I think they are a better indicator of spring than robins.  There are some robins that will stay around in the winter.
 This goose was ducking under the water to get water on his body and then he would shake his wings to dry off.  I thought it was kind of a cool picture.
 And he did it again.
 This was a Cessna Chancellor as it was climbing out of Ann Arbor Airport and passing Gallup Park.  The Cessna Chancellor is a twin engined propellor plane.  It has a pressurized cabin and first flew in 1968.  There have been a little over 1000 built since then.
 A robin.  Many people call this the bird of spring.
 A shot of the moon.
 I kind of like the way the light is shining of it's breast.
 Another view of the robin.
 A pair of mallards swimming by.
 The male mallard.
 The Michigan Survival Flight helicopter passing by.
 The female mallard.
 The Wolverine ended up passing by.
 A Canada Goose.
 Another female mallad.
 I like this view.
 Another male mallard.
 A Canada goose.  I like the blue of the water.
 Another angle of him.
 A close up of his head.
 The male mallard was chasing away the other ducks.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a shot of him flying.
 Another angle of him.
One more shot and then I left the park.

I still managed to practice social distancing but it was a little tougher tonight as there were more people at the park.  It was still relatively empty compared to a normal night though.

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