Friday, April 3, 2020

At the Feathery Aviary

I call the airport the aluminum aviary because they are birds made of aluminum.  While the birds at Gallup are not made of feathers, I can still call the park an aviary.  I think that the park will have to do for my photographing until this pandemic passes us.  People were keeping a good distance as I wandered through the park.  I ended up walking around the smaller pond again.
 This is a type of blackbird called a grackle.
 According to the folks on a birding site I visit, it is a male grackle and it looks nice in the sun.
 I think this is a mute swan because it has the little knob above its beak but it doesn't look as pronounce as the other ones.  This may be a hybrid swan.
 A robin.
 I kind of liked the way this robin looked. 
 Another shot of that robin.
 This is an A321 belonging to Spirit Airlines.  I think this is the flight from Las Vegas to Detroit.
 I'm not sure what kind of bird this is.
 A pair of mallards.
 A single mallard.
 I heard the pretty neat sound of wings flapping against the water.
 And then this guy passed me.
 Another shot of him.
 Another mallard.
 A trio of swans flying by.
 And as they passed me.
 Another mallard.
 A pair of drakes chasing after a hen.  It was like watching a dogfight almost.
 A heron passing by.
 The light hitting it just right.
 I think this is a very cool looking bird.  It almost looks like the direct link to dinosaurs.
 Another swan about to pass me.
 And he almost passes me.
 For some reason a swan reminds me of a 757-300.
 A Canada Goose.
 And the Canada goose looks at me.
 And he passes by.
 A United 787 that is flying from London to Los Angeles.
 A bufflehead.  This is a duck that ranges across the United States.
 An American Airlines 737.  I think this is the flight from Dallas to Detroit.
 Another swan.
This is a United 777 but I'm not sure where it was coming from nor where it was headed.

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