Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A New Camera and the Owls

I've been looking to get a new camera for a while.  My camera was sometimes having issues with the lens connecting and every so often the shutter sounded like it was going in slow mode.  I had a feeling that I was going to have to get a camera at some point.  I've been looking for a while and then I decided on the Canon 90D.
 So I decided to head over to Island Park in Ann Arbor to play with it.  I was hoping to get some decent pictures of the owl tonight.  It seems that the father owl granted me my wish.
 The babies weren't being as cooperative as they were the other night.  They pretty much stayed in the nest.
 I couldn't find the other owl but this guy was staying fairly visible and looking around.
 The babies were fairly animated though.
 Another view of the adult.
 I think I like this view the best.
 He still looks around even though is eyes are closed.  Something tells me these guys have pretty good hearing.
 One more shot of him.
One more shot of the babies.

I will have to say that this camera is nicer than my last one and I was pretty happy with my last one.  Since my last one didn't actually die, I will be able to use it as my secondary camera for football games and what not.  One thing I think that I'm going to like about my new camera is that it has a higher resolution and that will allow me to crop my pictures more.  Even though I have a 600 mm lens, it sometimes isn't enough.  So this will help.

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