Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Some Other Fowl Creatures

So as I was waiting for the owls to do other things, I took some pictures of some of the other birds in the area.
 First up was this Canada goose.
The park is pretty close to the University of Michigan hospital.  I heard the helicopter take off and I was hoping to get a decent picture.  Unfortunately, there are a bunch of trees in the park and I missed a shot of the angle I wanted.  As much as I like seeing this helicopter, I still can't help thinking that someone else is not having as good of a day.  But at least they should be on their way to recovery.
 This turkey vulture ended up flying over.  While these are ugly looking birds, I think they are still pretty cool looking.
 A mallard walking by.
 It was almost like he was posing for me.
 Another shot of him.
 I kind of like this shot.
I really like this shot.  I love how the head looks green in the right light.

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