Saturday, April 11, 2020

the Owls Again

So I went to Island Park again on Friday night.  With the lockdown going on, it kind of limits where I can go.  I would like to go photograph ships but that would be pushing the "outdoor activity thing".  Granted, I go to a park to watch them but that park is up in either Port Huron which is one and a half hours away or Detroit which is currently Michigan's hot zone.  Granted, Belle Isle lends itself pretty well to social distancing but I'm not even sure it is open right now.
While I'm not a big fan of this, I understand why it is being done.  Covid-19 is more transmittable than the flu and I think it is about as deadly.  It is also transmittable while the person is not showing symptoms.  Since it takes about 1 to 2 weeks for the symptoms to show up, that makes for a pretty nasty little virus.  But I think there is good new, I've been tracking the virus in Michigan since it started and it seems like the curve may be flattening.  I'm not sure if that means this will end nor do I know what it means when it does end.  I have a feeling that we might have to do this again.  I hope not but I guess we'll do what we must.
 So as I said, I went over to Island Park again on Friday night.  It was a little on the sunny side but a little on the cold side.  I think this is the father owl, and he was out again.
 One of the babies was out of the net.
 Unfortunately, I couldn't get a great angle because of the other people.
 I still think I got some pretty good pictures.
 It almost looks like he is about ready to fly.
 The owl in the nest.
And a Canada goose.

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