Thursday, April 23, 2020

And a Depressing Sight

One of the big side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic is the fact that airlines have pretty much ground to a halt.  I think it was stated that United Airlines lost over a billion dollars due this.  I have to believe that the numbers for other airlines are just as dramatic.
 I found out that they were storing Spirit planes at Willow Run, so I headed over there to get a picture.  I think there are about 10 aircraft here.  That number is not as large as other places but it is still a pretty nice number.  When you figure that each of these planes hold about 150 passengers and then you figure that these planes take about 5 trips a day, the amount of money sitting here is staggering.
I think we will recover from this but I don't think are going to return to normal for a long time.  If I had to make a prediction, I think airlines will be one of the last things to recover.  I'm not sure that people are going to want to be in a crowded aircraft with the potential of a virus.

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