Thursday, April 23, 2020

Catching a Couple of Planes

I decided to head over to the airport last night.  I was hoping to catch a 767 in Fed Ex livery but that wasn't to be.  I did catch a couple of others though.
 The first plane was an A320 belonging to Spirit Airlines.
 This particular plane was coming in from Houston.  I'm not sure how full it was, but I can't imagine that it was too full.
 Like I said in the last post, the number of flights has gone way down.
 But it was still nice to catch a commercial airline.
 Next up was on an old favorite.
 This was a Fed Ex 757 coming in from Indianapolis.
 It seems that the cargo airlines haven't been hit that hard by the pandemic.  If anything, they might have increased business with alot of stuff being ordered online and alot of medical supplies getting moved around.
 anyway, it was nice to see my favorite.
 One more shot of it.
 It was followed by a Fed Ex DC-10.  
 This flight was from Memphis but it wasn't the normal 505 flight.  It had a different flight number.
 Flight 505 would be using a 767 and it was coming in an hour later but I didn't want to wait around to catch it.
 As I said, these guys have been pretty busy.
If you look at one of the flight programs for Memphis and Louisville, you would see quite a bit of activity.

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