Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Gaggle of Cobra Chickens

Thursday was a bit of a whirlwind and the pictures are slightly out of order because of how I wanted to post them.  Anyway, I found out that President Trump was going to the Ford Rawsonville Plant in Ypsilanti.  I also found that he was going to be landing at Detroit Metro Airport in the VC-25 (747 for the uninitiated).  While I am not a fan of him, I've wanted to get a picture of that plane for a while.

He was landing at around 1:00P.M. and would be taking off sometime after 5:00P.M.  I wasn't sure I could catch him landing because of the directions of the wind and not being sure of being up on top of the parking deck.  Anyway, more on that later.
 Since I had a bit of time between his landing and take off, I took a look at Marine Traffic and saw that there was a pair of ships coming up.  I figured that I would catch them too.
 Obviously, these are not the ships but they are Canada goose.  After the news of the murder hornet, I saw a meme describing these as cobra chickens.  I suppose that is apt since the hiss if you get too close.  If you get closer than that, they will hunt you down.
 I kind of liked this picture because of the inclusion of the goslings.  I think the goslings are cute.  For that matter, I think the geese are cool looking birds it's just that there are so many of them.
I leave you with one more picture.

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