Saturday, May 23, 2020

Chasing After Trillium

So  I took my mom over to Embury Road.  I was seeing pictures of trillium from past  years on Facebook, so I figured I needed to head over there soon before they were gone.  Usually there are other flowers that I can get pictures of as well.
 I think this is a lily of the valley.  It is a pretty nice looking flower.
 Another angle for that.
 And one more.
 It didn't take long for me to realize my quest.  There were a few flowers in this spot and it looks like they just bloomed.
 The trillium is a very nice looking flower and is the true harbinger of spring for me.
 With a little bit of searching, I was able to find this Jack in the pulpit.
 Suprisingly, there were two.  I think this is a fairly rare flower.
 I think it also acts like a Venus fly trap in that there is a little water at the bottom and it traps bugs.   The flower will then eat the bugs.
 I found another stand with trillium.
 And there were more of them at this spot.
 I kind of like the variety.
 I think this is a mutation.  If you see the plants with green in the petals, that is a disease.
 I kind of like this one.
 This is Canadian anemone.
 A picture without a bug in it.
 Another angle.
 As I got to another spot, I looked up in the sky and I saw this hawk.
 He was getting attacked by the crows but he just kept flying forward.
 And the Blanding's turtle that always seems to be here.
He was joined by another.

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