Saturday, May 23, 2020

Angry Huron River

It rained pretty hard from Sunday to Tuesday last week.  It was actually hard enough that I didn't really feel like going out to take pictures.  It pushed a couple of rivers in middle Michigan to flood stage.  If that wasn't bad enough, two dams up there failed and caused massive damage from Wixom Lake to Saginaw.  Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the owner of both dams wad cited repeatedly by the US and Michigan governments.  It seems like it was an issue for 20 years.  I'm not sure what that means for the people who lost everything, but I have a feeling this story is not over yet.
 On Wednesday, I decided to take my mom over to Embury Road.  On the way over, I saw that the Huron River was higher than normal.  So I stopped by the Delhi Bridge to get some pictures of the water and the bridge.
 I kind of like this bridge.  It is basically a mail order bridge (but I'm not sure if it was ordered from Sears).  It think it is in the state register of historic places.
 What's amazing is that there is another example of this type of bridge closer to Ann Arbor.  I think that one was ordered from another company though.
 The Huron River is higher than normal.  This is much like the rest of the water in the state.  I think the Lakes are over two feet higher than normal.  With the amount of rain we've been having, it has put some pressure on the rest of the water in the state.
There was at least one spot on Huron River Drive that had water on it.  I don't think the Huron River is at flood stage, but it is pretty close. 

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