Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Nice Day for the Eagle Though

Before heading home, I stopped by the eagle's nest.  I didn't see both eagles in it, so I headed over to the Coast Guard station area.  Sometimes the eagle will hang out in a tree by it.
 I was not disappointed and since I have the lens with the reach, I was able to get some decent pictures of him.
 I will have to say that I am glad that these birds have made the comeback they have.  It wasn't too long ago when you had to go to Colorado to see them.
 I first saw my first eagle in Michigan up by Oscoda.  There used to be a nest by the canoeing monument west of town.
 I never thought that I would see an eagle near a major city but this guy has been here for a couple years at least.
 And with social distancing, he hangs out in areas where he wouldn't normally hang out.

 I waited long enough to catch him taking off.
 If I think they look cool on the branch, they are awesome in the sky.  He was flying over the pond and looking for lunch.

 Another shot as he passed.
I thought he was heading back to the branch in this shot but he ended up flying past the tree and heading further down the park.  I left after that.

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