Tuesday, May 5, 2020

And a Stop at the Airport

As I was heading home, I saw that I had a chance to catch the Fed Ex 757, so I stopped at the airport.
 First up was a 737-900 heading in from Minneapolis.
 I'm thinking that this was a repositioning flight.  I've heard that many of these flights are nearly empty.
 A Spirit Airlines A320 coming in from Houston.
 Last week there was a fight on Spirit plane coming from Los Angeles to Detroit.  Apparently, one of the passengers was complaining about noise.
 From the looks of that video, the plane was pretty full.
 I'm not sure if this one was.
 And the plane that I was waiting for.  This is a Fed Ex 757 and it was coming in from Indianapolis.
 This one isn't a consistent flight because I think it's an as needed flight.
 At any rate, it is nice to see a 757 since most of the passenger ones are in lay up right now.
 I've heard that American Airlines is retiring their fleet of 757s.  I'm not sure if United is.
I have not heard if Delta is but given the way they use them, I doubt it.  But I also doubt that air travel is going to bounce back to normal shortly.  I think that depends on what happens with the virus.

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