Friday, May 22, 2020

Catching the Owl and an Oriole

After I caught the Blue Angels, the weather was less that cooperative but it cleared up a little bit.  I decided to head over to Island Park because I was hoping to find the owl.
 When I first got to the park, I noticed this cherry blossom.  I had to get some pictures of it.
 I think i like this one.
 I would have liked this one more with more light.
 I saw a couple other people heading to the part that is next door to Island Park.  I watched them and saw that they were pointing their cameras at a tree.  Figuring there must be something there, I headed over that way.  With a little bit of searching, I was able to find one of the younger owls.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good angle on him but  I still like the picture.
 So I headed back to the cherry blossoms because one of the people told me there was an oriole that hung out there.
 the light was just about right for me.
 Except the blossoms were leaving me.
 I really like this shot.
 I asked about this one and somebody said it was a common yellowthroat.  It matches the picture that they showed, so I think it is that.
 Someone else said it was a Nashville warbler.  Based on pictures of both, I think I have to go with yellowthroat.
 I know this is a Baltimore oriole.
 He stuck around the tree, so I got quite a few pictures of him.
 Sadly, I was losing my light.
 But I still got some nice shots.
 I think this one might be my favorite.
 As I was leaving the park, I saw this heron.
 He moved to a better spot for me.
 When I got home, I saw this 747.  I had to get a picture of it.
I think it is a Kalitta 747 but I'm not sure.

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