Friday, May 22, 2020

The Michigan Strong Flyover

So on Wednesday, they had what was called the "Michigan Strong" flyover.  It was put on by the 127th Fighter Wing out of Selfridge.  It was the Air National Guard version of the Blue Angels flyover.  Many Air National Guard units have done this.
 The flight consisted of a KC-135 tanker and three A-10 Warthogs (or Thunderbolts).  On Tuesday they flew various points on the western side of the state.  Today was their day to fly over the Metro Detroit area.
 Many people were complaining about the cost of this and were saying that they could have better used this for PPE and other medical equipment.  While part of me wants to agree with that sentiment, it is my understanding that pilots have to have a certain number of flying hours per month.  I think they figured since they had to fly anyway, they might as well do something nice.
 At any rate, I don't get to see these guys often enough, so it was pretty cool.
 They make the turn to do a pass over the park.
 The KC-135 with boom extended.
 A pair of A-10s.
 A closeup of one of them as it passes over.  I will have to say that this is one of the cooler looking aircraft in the US inventory.
 I'm pretty sure our enemies don't like it though.
 An underbelly shot of the KC-135.
 they make a turn to do a pass over one of the hospitals.
 I kind of like this shot.
 they pass by.
 They make a turn to come back our way.
 It was pretty neat that they came over the river again.
 Another pass of the KC-135.
 I kind of like this shot.
 It was a beautiful day.
 The A-10 passes over.
One more shot as they head off to their next destination.

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