Friday, May 22, 2020

Randomness On the River

These are some pictures as I was waiting for the A-10s to appear.
 This is a Piper PA-38 that is owned by the Windsor Flying Club.  I didn't recognize the plane and I almost thought it was a custom built.
 This is a Kalitta Air 747 heading somewhere.
 A goose and her goslings.
 I kind of like this shot.  It almost looks like she is begging for food.
 This is a Rockwell 114 Commander.  It is a four seat general aviation plane.  It is an improvement over the Rockwell 112 which was introduced in 1972.  Almost 1000 were produced.
 A Southwest 737.
 A Delta A319 making the turn for the final approach to Metro Airport.
 I think this is a WestJet 767.
 The News chopper for channel 2,4 and 7.
One more shot of that.

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