Monday, May 25, 2020

Chasing the Owl

Yesterday I was feeling like a bum but I decided that I would go out and take pictures after dinner.  I figured that I would go over to Island Park to try and get some pictures of the owl.
 I headed back to the spot where I saw the owl the last time.  As I was walking, I saw this bird land on the fence.   It turns out that this is a starling and I believe that it is an invasive bird that was brought over from Europe.  Despite that, it is a pretty neat looking bird.
 This is a turkey vulture, it is an ugly but neat looking bird.
 I couldn't pass up on getting another picture.
 I was about to give up on catching a picture of the owl and as I was heading back I looked up in the trees and saw him (or her).  I think this is one of the owlets that was in the nest not too long ago.
 He kept following me as I walked around below him.  I was happy to get a clear picture.
 I just wish I could have had a better angle on him.  I also wish I could find one of the parents again.
 It's amazing how intense these birds look.
 One more shot before heading back to the parking lot.
 As I was heading back to the parking lot, I decided to see if I could get some pictures of other birds.  They weren't being cooperative but this duck was.
 So was this goose.
One more picture of the goose before heading home.

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