Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

Again I was feeling lazy today, but I felt like I had to do some pictures for Memorial Day.  I decided to head over to Highland Cemetery off River Street.   It is a pretty nice cemetery and I've been there before.  If you look at the gravestones there, it is a who's who of Ypsilanti.
 My favorite thing there is the Civil War statue they have prominently displayed.  It was dedicated on Memorial Day 1895.
 A closeup of the face.  I kind of like a statue like this instead of the others that you see.  I like the details in it.
 Another angle of it.
 There is also a section dedicated to military graves there.
 The 2nd Michigan Cavalry fought in a number of battles in the Civil War.  The first one was near New Madrid in Kentucky.  it was along the Mississippi River.  Next was the battle of Perryville, also in Kentucky.  This was more in the center of Kentucky.  they finished the war at the Battle of Nashville.

 I can't make out what division this is.
 The group of gravestones.
 This is a fairly recent gravestone.
 I kind of liked the shot of the flag with the trees in the background.
A fuller shot of the statue.

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