Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Night of the 757s

It was pretty hot yesterday, so I didn't really feel like doing much.  That is until I looked at Flight Radar.  I saw that two 757s, a 767 and a DC-10 were coming in.  Since the Covid-19 shutdown, I haven't seen too many 757s, so I decided to head over to the airport.
 This was both of the 757s that I expected to see.  It is not often that I get two 757s in one shot.  The Fed Ex one would be passing before the UPS one.
 the Fed Ex 757 was coming in from Indianapolis.  This used to be a couple nights a week.  I'm not sure what it is now.
 Anyway, it was nice to see a 757.
 I love this airplane.
 One more shot with the Delta hangar in the background.
 The UPS 757 was coming in from Louisville.
 I don't think this is a regular flight.  In fact, I think many of the UPS planes come in under cover of darkness.
 but it was still nice to see.
 And one more.
 I stuck around for a little bit to catch the A220.  This is a plane that is growing on me.  I think it is also a nice looking plane (but not as nice as the 757).
 It has a very nice profile.
One more.

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