Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Wolverine Passes Ypsilanti

Maybe I should have finished this in the last post but I suppose now is good as any time.  So it turns out that the 767 and DC-10 kept getting delayed and I realized that it would be at lease another hour and half before I saw the planes after seeing them take off from Memphis.  As I left the airport, I checked Marine Traffic and saw two ships that I might be able to catch.  When I realized I wouldn't catch them, I decided to check the Amtrak page to see when the Wolverine was passing and it turned out I could catch that.
 I wasn't sure if I could catch it at my normal spot in Depot Town, so I figured out a spot where I could catch it.  This particular one is by the Valu World store in eastern Ypsilanti.  There is a little spot where you can see the train.
 It's actually not a bad spot to catch the train.  The trees in the background help I think.
 The presence of signals helps too.
 I kind of like the reflections of the signals in this picture.  I also like the dust or whatever is being kicked up.  It kind of reminds me of my snow pictures.
 Anotehr shot.
 A shot of just the engine.
And the train passes.  It was on its way to Dearborn.  From there, it would go to Detroit.  Eventually it would end up in Pontiac.

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